Holy s**t! That's a full length movie! Not great acting, but getting better. I have to make the time to watch the whole thing.
What makes it more cultic is that they are cramming cultic life in one 90 minute single movie.
the dad in this is a total douche.
i dont know if the videos have become more judgemental and culty in the year since i left - or maybe im just noticing it more?.
Holy s**t! That's a full length movie! Not great acting, but getting better. I have to make the time to watch the whole thing.
What makes it more cultic is that they are cramming cultic life in one 90 minute single movie.
some 35 miles from here, in the small town of magnolia, ar, a teen couple is in trouble -- as they should be -- for allowing their 2 week old girl, a 5 pound baby, to suffer nearly 100 bites from rats.
one of the bites was so large and deep it required plastic surgery.
i don't want to even think about the horror this teeny creature felt during those instances -- and the horrible nightmares she may suffer in years to come.. i wonder if this is one of those human experiences that may be worse than what christ suffered on that stake.
You missed the part where I said "rational". Your arguments are purely emotional, subjective
gb member sanderson has given a hate speech in response to the recent russian ban.
it was given as a morning worship rant.
sanderson sports his usual smirk.. he opens up quoting matthew 10:22, 23 about persecution.
"All governments throughout history have raped religions of their assets"
...and religions have raped individuals of their assets. Aren't the government's assets also the people's assets? Therefore the stolen assets were just returned to the rightful owners.
some 35 miles from here, in the small town of magnolia, ar, a teen couple is in trouble -- as they should be -- for allowing their 2 week old girl, a 5 pound baby, to suffer nearly 100 bites from rats.
one of the bites was so large and deep it required plastic surgery.
i don't want to even think about the horror this teeny creature felt during those instances -- and the horrible nightmares she may suffer in years to come.. i wonder if this is one of those human experiences that may be worse than what christ suffered on that stake.
"Jesus' death was the ultimate sacrifice."
How does that work? Try explaining in a rational way without resorting to the apostle Paul contrivances.
How did anyone benefit from that sacrifice? We get far greater benefit from many scientists who gave up many of their personal pleasures to give us many medical procedures that have extended and improved our lives. Jesus' death didn't improve humanity one iota. If anything, it delayed improvements to our lives for 2,000 years (Christianity's rise and ongoing slow decline)
every time i've asked this in an existing thread, i've never gotten an answer, so forgive me for starting a new thread in order to ask again.
i simply cannot figure out how to quote someone with the standard yellow box.
i can copy/paste the quote, sure, but nothing i do makes it appear in a yellow box like everyone else.
Every time I've asked this in an existing thread, I've never gotten an answer, so forgive me for starting a new thread in order to ask again. I simply cannot figure out how to quote someone with the standard yellow box.
I just used Firefox, but Internet Explorer doesn't give me the same results
every time i've asked this in an existing thread, i've never gotten an answer, so forgive me for starting a new thread in order to ask again.
i simply cannot figure out how to quote someone with the standard yellow box.
i can copy/paste the quote, sure, but nothing i do makes it appear in a yellow box like everyone else.
You use the button with this symbol ". However, if your web browser is Internet Explorer, it doesn't work. If you use Firefox it works.
okay, so everyone is bent out of shape about how the wts is re-writing their history on their past failed predictions (1975).
other threads deal in all the evidence to tear apart their shameless propaganda, so i won't dwell on that here.. but, what i will do is list a couple of observations, silly as they are, that aren't about the propaganda so much as it is about the set design, and costume design.
feel free to add to the list.. early scene where the wife is dying.
The wife was not dead. Pay attention at how she opens her eyes when the face of hubby gets to close to her face. Almost like saying: "what the f*** are you doing?"
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
The listener: "The acting is stiff or stilted or something like that. It doesn't sound or look natural"
What do you expect when the actors are robots? They are pre-programmed robots in their own "normal life".
a disfellowshiped brother wrote a letter of disquisition to the governing body of wbts a little while ago.
it was not in any way nasty, derogatory, rude, blasphemous, or with profanity but it was civil, truthful, & very informative that some have described as extremely truthful to enlightening, an ebullient disclosure.
i got to see some paraphrases extracted from it that have been circulating quietly or rather secretly passed around & i agree with the latter description.. the governing body was greatly perturbed, alarmed, to confused with this letter particularly as they became aware several of the congregation were also sent copies which some of the local congregational elders raised controversial questions about but mainly was dismissed by them without reading, to scoffing & ridicule but some also saw something more truthful to concern them.
More evidence and plain English please. I have a dictionary and a Thesaurus too, but my memory suffices in ordinary Internet conversations. Pompous language always detracts from the message.
I forgot, welcome!!!
the sanctuary? holy of holies!
Persecution is real!
Is it the apostates, a disgruntled MS, or the GB building a story to sell to the doubting crowd?